AC3’s ACSC Essential Eight Security Control Assessment provides you with an experienced Cyber Security Consultant to review your technical environment and provide a benchmark against the controls of the Australian Cyber Security Centre’s Essential Eight Maturity Model. Our Security Control Assessment will provide an assessment of each security control contained by the Essential Eight maturity model, confirmation of the efficacy of each control, an assessment of the maturity level the organisation has achieved from 0 (lowest) to 3 (highest) and remediation recommendations including strategic and tactical changes necessary to move the organisation to the next highest maturity level for each strategy.
We will assess each security control contained by the Essential Eight maturity model (78 individual controls make up the eight strategies of the model), confirmation of the efficacy of each control, an assessment of the maturity level the organisation has achieved from 0 (lowest) to 3 (highest) and remediation recommendations including strategic and tactical changes necessary to move your organisation to the next highest maturity level for each strategy.
The Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) has established mitigation strategies, to ensure Australian organisations can protect themselves against the increasing threat of cyber criminals. The Essential Eight is made up of the the most effective mitigation strategies to cyber threats, consisting of three maturity levels.
The Essential Eight Maturity model focuses on 78 individual controls across the following eight security strategies; Application Control, Patch applications, Configure Microsoft Office macro settings, User application hardening, Restrict administrative privileges, Patch operating systems, Multi-factor authentication, Regular backups
An organisation aligned to Maturity Level 0 does not have a viable defensive posture, and it would be easy for an adversary to exploit weaknesses in the security posture to breach the organisation.
An organisation aligned to Maturity Level One should generally be able to defeat low-level ‘drive by’ or untargeted attacks.
An organisation aligned to Maturity Level Two should be able to defeat more advanced adversaries that may be specifically targeting a broad group of similar organisations.
An organisation aligned to Maturity Level Three should have a viable defence against sophisticated adversaries performing targeted attacks against a specific organisation.